Try to eat 5-9+ servings of fruit and vegetables a day. A serving size is 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked. Look for the most deeply colored vegetables and fruit.
Eat whole grains whenever possible. Look for 3+ grams of fiber.
Watch your calories in beverages. Water or no-cal beverages are best.
Choose the least processed products possible.
Use tempeh, tofu, beans and legumes often to provide protein and other nutrients.
Nuts and seeds are great, but high in calories. Eat only measured amounts of raw and unsalted.
Use small amounts of healthy oils for dressings: olive, coconut, or safflower/grapeseed oil for cooking.
Fresh/plain frozen foods are best. If processed, choose foods lower in sodium (less than 700mg for entire meal) and added sugar (less than 12g).
Rinse canned vegetables to remove any added salt.
Balance your food intake with your energy output to prevent weight gain.
Eat slowly and enjoy every bite!
Check out my other tip sheets to maintain these habits outside of your own kitchen.